Awry, Amiss, Amok


I would like to take this opportunity to raise my middle finger at the Northern Hemisphere and all who sail in her - I hope you enjoyed your summer, because it is our turn now. Tonight was officially the first clear night that was pleasant enough to have dinner outside.

Which I did. On the waterfront. With some babe.

And last Friday when I got up at 5.30 it was already getting light and there was a dawn chorus. I didn't even know we had them in Wellington.

It's good to remember that this time last year I was only 3 weeks away from my first tan.


Anonymous said...

I like your writing and thoughts. Found you through your comment on "This Fish". I was about to write Opaline similar words, but you captured it perfectly - very kind.

Richard D. Bartlett said...


And now I am putting on my smarmy voice and saying, 'Welcome'.

Allan Mansfield said...

my penis is still every so slightly tanned from last summer.

Sambo said...

My penis is always tanned. Other than big lips thats all I got from my dads genes.

Aaron said...

keeping it real. yeah.

Richard D. Bartlett said...

whenever there is talk of nudity... trust aaron to add his 2 cents

Daniel McClelland said...

You exposed the naked truth there, quite well (guffaw)

As for dawn chori, you may have noticed that - after living in Wainuiomata and moving to Brooklyn - you are well above sealevel for a change. Hence, birds. It is very nice though, in the mornings. At 6:30 it is clear enough for me to wander down to the mailbox, and feel ashamed at my PJs - prominently displayed in the sunlight for all the neighbours to see - when I collect the day's paper. Mmmm. And there's toast in the morning's too. And coffee.