I thought about writing a post updating you all on the last two weeks of my life. A lot of things worthy of comment have happened, but it would be a massive task to describe them all. Fortunately, due to the wonder of technology, slash the wonder of leaving your job and having your boss try to keep you sweet by giving you a lush cameraphone, I have been able to document these events as they happen. Behold! Alternatively, Behold! (As a slideshow.)
Awry, Amiss, Amok
While the quality of your camera is amazing for a cell phone, all your photos are all of wellington which we have all seen before.
I think the picture of the massey toilets tiles is getting a little desperate.
dont you know anyone cool, like a tv presenter or something?
Reads like a photographic love letter to Wellington. And moonlights as Architecture Porn, but I see where you're headed. The shots you took on your first night, of Obay, remain the crowning jewels. Allan's just got sand in his front bum 'cause he's not in any of them. Nor am I, incidentally. Change that. Tomorrow.
no, no, i actually think they're boring.
Ha. Well so would be the five paragraph text-based version of "I went here, and then there, and I'm glad to be back because I saw this person and that person whilst I ate this."
correct...and your point?
http://static.flickr.com/45/111193947_5c6efeb0ae.jpg?v=0 Where is this? It make me excited like pretty girl... Tell me I'm pretty. I'm a pretty little girl.
You didn't read that.
allan, go away
dan, you're right about the boring text version
sam, waterfront
The cake was extremely cool!
And your girlfriend has way better looking feet than I do.
I thought about writing a comment requesting another update on the last two weeks of your life, but I gave up midthought.
and then I laughed and realised there is no update because you now have a girlfriend sir.
I had this rash..
i will lend him to whoever wants him for the night/hour of lust but i'd like him back at somepoint. i've signed ownership documents and paid good money!
Hope you kept your receipt.
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