Awry, Amiss, Amok


Psssokay, some points of note:

  • I'm working too much with my hands and not enough with my head. Contract negotiations and a slight business restucturing follow. If anyone would like to earn around $40/hr fitting out wardrobes up here in Auckland, leave me a comment. It's not very hard, you just need common sense, patience, and a good eye for detail.
  • Wellington and I are unnaturally fond of each other. Being Anniversary Weekend in Aucklame, we drove down on Friday night. Saturday included breakfast at Fidel's, much moseying about in town, a swim at O Bay and a preposterous number of bumping-intos. Sunday worked along the same lines, finishing with a bit of a feast cooked by yours truly in the siblings' sweet new house.
  • Let's get this straight, Russell Brown is my media hero. But when he linked to me, called me 'pal', and told me off in the one post, he lost some serious points. Am I the only one who feels it is a little disingenuous for someone who is viewed as being proffessionally in-the-loop, well-informed, and media-savvy to compose his posts based entirely on the results of a Technorati search query?='big%20day%20out? And then to draw the startling conclusion that it was obnoxious of me to be obnoxious... However, as a member of the elite group of middle aged men who can pronounce 'pot' without adding 'tut-tut', he still commands my undying respect.
  • Thought it might be nice to fall in love but she was all like 'not even' so I thought it might be nice to be sulky and lovesick but that's not happening either. Apparently I have already sold my soul to The Man.


Daniel McClelland said...

You sold your soul to yourself, cause you are the man < / ass kissing >

Allan Mansfield said...

i love you.

Sambo said...

Tch, Dan, you forgot to open your tag. Your comment will never validate.

Daniel McClelland said...

Bro, if you look back through Richard and I's history (and I never delete our cookies) you'll see that I began < ass kissing > with a title="for the next ages"

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys die computer related deaths.

Daniel McClelland said...

We could do that sooner if we continue to get cheap and/or free coffees from you, good sir. 'twas nice hanging with you the other day Pete.