Awry, Amiss, Amok


Told you my guitar is choice.


Anonymous said...

Nice pickn' Richard. Such a "quaint", simple piece. It impressed me. I picture quite rolling hills, peaceful with an inward sense of contentment.

Richard D. Bartlett said...

Matt I sense you are trying to spoil someone's contentment. Not Appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Reading past post; did ya ever find employment?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Have a great New Year over there on the other side of the globe.

Daniel McClelland said...

For some reason I think lrgevry is Ricky Gervais. Just the exotic references and similar letters. Are you? And if you are, please describe what humour is to you.

Richard, all famous people aside, you will one day be one of them if you continue improving at this rate.

Anonymous said...

I am not "Ricky Gervais".
No idea who he is.
I'm just someone who discovered Richard Bartlett's site, caught my muse.
No "humour" that I can speak of.
And what the hell are you talking about;
"exotic references" and "simular letters"
I'm here in the U.S.
I'm not looking for trouble.

Richard D. Bartlett said...

I'm afraid you can no longer comment on my site until you figure out who Gervais is.


Anonymous said...

educate me

Anonymous said...

I did my own research.
Ok, compare him to who in the
my apologies Richard.
adew to danny.

Richard D. Bartlett said...

have you seen the film Office Space? the film that intentionally ripped off Gervais' brainchild The Office. And by 'ripped off' I mean, 'took all subtlety out of the humour to make it palatable for americans'.

Anonymous said...

I have not seen the film.
By all means enlighten me more.

Daniel McClelland said...

Hey bro, sorry to cause offense. Ricky Gervais is awesome, and any similarities means you are too. Sweet.