Awry, Amiss, Amok


Some bold proclamations, a blooming unordered list:

  • Consistency of ideology, and logic for that matter, are inventions of limited worth.

  • My truth is not your truth.

  • Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better.

  • Oil will run out one day, all of a sudden. Hint.

  • I like to get high sometimes.

  • Tax isn't real money so I don't care if it goes up or down 10%.

  • I will go down in history.

  • Everyone is gay.


Sambo said...

Your last point I agree with totally. You are all homos. Every one of you.

Aaron said...


Chud - the obvious question - why will you go down on history?

Aaron said...

O, I meant 'in'.

Daniel McClelland said...

HAHAHAHA Aaron! That's a hilarious slip of the tongue there. Brilliant.

Chud, I'm all for all your points. Except me being gay, 'cause I actually like girls.

Sambo said...

But you're still gay.

Anonymous said...

Well, since I am gay, you are guitar-less as of the nExT TiMe i AM rOuNd!

Sambo said...

What a gay thing to do Jono. It would also be gay to not take it, or not come round, or come round for tea, or come round and flog Richard in humiliating but gentle ways.

Allan Mansfield said...

all i have to say is FUCK YEA

Sambo said...


Dan said...

So what is 'gay'? If everything is gay, then nothing is gay.

Sambo said...

Dan it homo homo.

Dan said...


Sambo said...


Aaron said...

RAGING homo.

Brass Baboon said...

Identie Crisies all?

Anonymous said...

And also, with reguards to Tax isn't real money so I don't care if it goes up or down 10%., a quick glance at makes me think, bullsheit!

Sambo said...

Makes you think misspelled vulgarity? How rare!

Richard D. Bartlett said...

jono, do you think an extra $500 in my pocket every year is going to be noticed?

I gave up smoking in April and I haven't noticed any extra ching clicking in my pockets

money is water